The first Thanksgiving, we all learned in school, was held between the Pilgrims and the native Americans. Today the use of the word “Redskin” is a political and social lightning rod, like the Confederate flag. Further, there are students at Princeton University who want to remove the name of President Woodrow Wilson from the graduate school of Diplomacy because he held clearly racist views. Is it possible to discuss our differences about these issues, or are they too political, too controversial? How can we examine them in a way that is open and fair? How can we treasure the freedoms and blessings we enjoy, and at the same time respect the voices that differ from ours? How do we respect the dignity of those who differ most from us? How can our teams face these controversies in a positive way and make a difference in our schools?
Thanksgiving, Redskins, and The Code
November 25, 2015