Everyone is deeply worried about the disappearance of the airplane in the Pacific. What does the Code have to say about a situation like this? One could answer this in several ways – it is a team effort in trying to locate the plane, and everyone is doing his or her best. We, however, are thinking of the tenet in the Code that says, “I will be a positive influence on the relationships on my team.” This is so important in any critical time. We probably have no connection to this airline disaster, but we all have friends and family who face tragedies of one sort of another. It is always tempting to turn inward, and to avoid the situation. We feel inadequate and unsure of what to say, or how to be supportive. But just “being there” for our friends is always adequate, and even better is to bring a meal, pick up someone, or run an errand. What can you do to prepare yourself for such a situation?
The Missing Airliner and The Code
March 16, 2014