The eastern U.S. has been hit by a devastating storm. What does the Code say about hurricanes? The Code says “I will put team goals ahead of personal goals” and “I will be a positive influence on the members of the team.” Whenever there is a natural disaster, those who suffer and those who were more fortunate must come together and work to rebuild. Equally, those of us at a distance must be open to any ways that we can be of assistance. We are all citizens, so we all have a responsibility for each other. Thousands of people have suffered greatly, and the clean-up and rebuilding will take a long time. It is easy to become discouraged in times of crisis, so it is always important to be a positive influence in any way we can. Is there anything you or your team can do? A way to make a difference may present itself in the coming days.
Hurricane Sandy and The Code
October 31, 2012