Football Brawls and The Code

It started in the Michigan-Ohio State game with a brawl at the end of the game.  This was followed by no less than six other brawls in football games last week.  What do we say about this?  When John Wooden was winning all those games at UCLA he would often call a time out toward the end of the game.  He would say to his players, “I’m sure these guys are getting frustrated, and they may act out in negative ways, but don’t respond to it.”   It used to be said that in a perfect game it would be hard to know by looking at both teams who had won or lost.  In fact, one of the great scenes so often in sports is when we see opponents embracing each other after the end of a hard-fought contest.   It’s harder to display class and character when we have been soundly beaten than when we have won.  That’s why it’s important to do what Coach Wooden used to do: remind ourselves that our character will be tested whether we win or lose, and resolve to show our best character always, not our worst instincts.  As the Code says, “we are all role models…” all the time, and people are watching all the time.  Ask your team: how do you want to be remembered?

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