Alex Rodriguez was beaned by the Boston Red Sox pitcher Sunday night. The pitcher said it was unintentional; no one believed him. We do not know if it was intentional or not, but what we do know is the reaction of those who saw it. Some thought it was deserved, to show him of the displeasure of those who cheated by taking steroids. Many fans in park, both adults and children, cheered. These are childish reactions; it is important to recognize that these are childish reactions. Children allow their emotions to take control of their actions. It is not a mature decision to break the rules to try to hurt a person in any sport. Only children would believe that this somehow shows that they are being “tough,” or “sending a message.” If a pitcher has some animosity toward a batter, the mature response is to try to strike him out. To his credit, Rodriguez did not respond as a child – either by charging the mound to fight, or by throwing his bat at the pitcher. Instead, he allowed his skills to represent him – he hit a home run in the game. To take any kind of “cheap shot” in any sport is always reprehensible, and it only shows that we have lost control of our emotions. Those who think it shows toughness should think again.
Alex Rodriguez, the Boston pitcher, and The Code
August 20, 2013