Heartbreaking Losses and The Code

Lately, there have been many games, both in football and baseball, which have had endings which would have defied all odds.  This is devastating for some players, coaches and fans.  Games, of course, are just games, but you never know what might happen: it’s why we play the games!  The hurricanes of the past few weeks create an entirely different level of heartbreak: so many lives, homes, and businesses lost.  An important part of growing up is learning how to face loss and heartbreak, both on the field and in life.  While we may suffer, it is important to remember the Code’s words “to display caring behavior… be a positive influence….give of my time, money and skills as I am able.”  How can we both empathize with those who suffer, share our own feelings, and be a positive part of the future?  Share your thoughts with others, and listen to what they say!  Who is suffering in your area, and how might you make a difference?

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