Starting Again and The Code

We are always starting… a new season, a new year, a new team, a new coach, a new position.  Starting is not always easy, especially when there is much that is new.  The most important thing is that we set goals for ourselves – realistic, achievable goals.  They may have to do with developing our skills, or being a better teammate, or in encouraging your team to make a difference in the community (or to join with other teams in doing something).    Take a look at the Code for Living and see whether you can set some goals for yourself – don’t say “I’m going to do better with the whole Code!”  Instead, try to create some small achievable goals: I will practice 10 minutes a day outside of practice on one skill, or I will become friends with a teammate who needs a friend, or I will try to demonstrate good sportsmanship at least once every practice.  When we set small achievable goals, we will see the difference, and that will encourage us to continue!  What are one or two goals you would like to set for yourself?

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